Saturday, 7th April: Enid Blyton

Julian woke first the next morning. He woke just as the sun was slipping over the horizon in the east and filling the sky with gold…..
Dick woke and grinned at Julian. A feeling of happiness crept over him…
The sun was now shining brightly, though it was still low in the eastern sky. It felt warm already. The sky was so beautifully blue that Ann couldn’t help feeling it had been freshly washed! “ it looks just as if it had come back from the laundry,” she told the others. They squealed with laughter at her.
“What’s the matter with you? Don’t you like sleep K?” Bea asked me on our first morning in Cawsand having heard that I woke up at six in the morning.
Oh I love my sleep alright. It has been one of my biggest frustrations that for the past nine years I have been spent more hours awake in the middle of the night than I care for – but that view from our bedroom – I had to be up early to catch the sun in the eastern sky work its way into our blue room. The one with the view of the bay. I was awake before it was already light – went to the kitchen and made a pot of tea sat up in bed and stared out of the window.
It is so beautifully, wonderfully, sacredly quiet at that hour in the morning. The kids are all quiet. It is the only time of the day when my thoughts are still clear and not muddled from tiredness; when I feel fresh and rejuvenated and when I feel free from any form of responsibility or duty. That feeling of complete and utter calm is worth waking up for – in any case it was the first day of the holiday – who isn’t excited on their first day of the holidays?
My dawn, on our first morning in Cawsand, like Anne’s was freshly laundered - alright, alright, squeal with laughter if you must ... but that is just what it felt like.
Dick woke and grinned at Julian. A feeling of happiness crept over him…
The sun was now shining brightly, though it was still low in the eastern sky. It felt warm already. The sky was so beautifully blue that Ann couldn’t help feeling it had been freshly washed! “ it looks just as if it had come back from the laundry,” she told the others. They squealed with laughter at her.
“What’s the matter with you? Don’t you like sleep K?” Bea asked me on our first morning in Cawsand having heard that I woke up at six in the morning.
Oh I love my sleep alright. It has been one of my biggest frustrations that for the past nine years I have been spent more hours awake in the middle of the night than I care for – but that view from our bedroom – I had to be up early to catch the sun in the eastern sky work its way into our blue room. The one with the view of the bay. I was awake before it was already light – went to the kitchen and made a pot of tea sat up in bed and stared out of the window.
It is so beautifully, wonderfully, sacredly quiet at that hour in the morning. The kids are all quiet. It is the only time of the day when my thoughts are still clear and not muddled from tiredness; when I feel fresh and rejuvenated and when I feel free from any form of responsibility or duty. That feeling of complete and utter calm is worth waking up for – in any case it was the first day of the holiday – who isn’t excited on their first day of the holidays?
My dawn, on our first morning in Cawsand, like Anne’s was freshly laundered - alright, alright, squeal with laughter if you must ... but that is just what it felt like.
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